Thursday 3 December 2009

The panic level is rising...

We leave in just under a week. Sleeping seems more difficult these days, stuff just keeps running through my head. I have made multitudinous lists of things to be done before we go - and nowhere near enough items have been crossed off. Never realised before just how many things we had going on!

Anyway, we finished the flat refurbishment so that's now ready to rent out. We meet the agents tomorrow to decide on asking prices, etc. We were hoping to do it all ourselves but there just isn't time to learn all the stuff you need to know these days. Plus, of course, we don't have time to wait for a tenant to turn up!

The shop which we run in Marlow is pretty well running itself now, which is good because from next week it's going to have to do just that.

The repairs to the motorhome were finally authorised last week but the weather really hasn't been helping us along here. It has been peeing down all week and blowing a gale to boot. Now it is blowing hard from the northwest and the wind bites through everything and reduces you to a shivering heap in moments. So we have found a big covered area to put the van in this weekend and Jeff and his lads will work on it on Monday. They are confident they will finish it before closing time. Let's hope so!

After it's finished we drive it to Marlow and park up in our Loading Bay by the shop. As this is not the most salubrious place on earth, we'll probably stay in the van overnight. We'll load it up during Tuesday then push off towards Dover. We want to be sure to clear the M25 before night. We'll overnight en route and go on down to Dover next morning.

That's the plan - now let's see how it works out in practice!


  1. Good luck! And good luck Jeff - sounds like he's going to need it!

  2. OK we are strapped in a ready to roll....

    We will be following your trip with interest. Have just the best time - say hi and happy christmas to Jamie, Netty, Stu & Lou - when you catch up with them all.

    Rachel, Paul, Charlie & Flynn

  3. Hi Dad told me about the big metal box being stolen, i'm so sorry, but dont let it stop you...... Trip of life time get another and go for it..... Deb xx

  4. Thanks, Debs. As I mention in the next blog, it isn't quite that simple. First we have to get our money back from the insurance, which will take several weeks since they claim to be waiting to see if it turns up! And you never know, it might do...

  5. Oww chin up, and dont let the insurance company grind you down, I know you wont...... Go on treat yourselves , go and get warm somewhere.....Deb xxx
